/in News/by RJ Smith
Hey FANS… It’s getting on towards the holiday season of 2014, and as I do every year, it’s time to start building Santa’s list for my Ultimate Reader Experience Give-a-Way!
Here’s how it works.
From October through December 15th, all you have to do is click over to my ULTIMATE READER EXPERIENCE and sign up by entering your e-mail.
This automatically enters you into my Christmas Ultimate Reader Experience give-a-way which includes autographed copies of my novels, an amazon gift card and a KINDLE reading device.
On December 15th my US and UK Literary Agents will randomly choose 25 names from those who sign up for The Experience.
On December 16th, those names will be sent to my US Editor who will then draw ten names as finalists. That same day, the list will be e-mailed to Santa who will randomly pick three names.
Each name Santa draws will WIN either a brand new KINDLE pre-loaded with my e-books, an Amazon Gift card or autographed copies of my books.
Only Santa knows which you will receive. But at least one Kindle will be awarded, two gift cards and ten novels.
Santa will also draw two more names from those who follow his favorite author on Twitter:
Good luck everyone!
Now, here is the link to sign up for the drawing:
/in News/by RJ SmithIt’s 12:32 a.m. here on the East Coast of America… the night sky is packed with thick, dark clouds, and rain pounds the roof of my modest home in Belleair.
I love the rain, it washes away the sins of mankind and brings renewal, offering new beginnings when the streets are washed clean and the soul senses reinvigorating hope.
Life… no matter what it throws at the human spirit, we bounce back and fight for another dream, reaching into that vast universe of courage to continue the good fight.
I often quote the following :
“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900)
I’m a huge believer in redemption… and I support the old adage that it doesn’t matter how many times a person is knocked down, but how many times they pick themselves up to fight another day.
No matter what one faces in life, we have to keep on chasing that elusive dream, you’ve got to have that fire deep inside your soul.
A friend recently noted that I’m listed on Wikipedia as a “famous resident” of Belleair, Florida.
I’m flattered and grateful for the recognition.
But I have to laugh.. FAME?
As I tap this on my trusted custom built laptop, my pledge to the fans who buy my books is to encourage the hope of the future.
I’ll try my best to recover from the injuries I sustained in 2013 and do my best to get back to writing great books. It’s difficult, the pain is atrocious, but I’m trying to recover.
I continue to be humbled by everyone who reads my work, and I thank those who’ve sent get well notes, or took the time to post reviews of my novels.
It means the world to me, and this is me saying thanks.
The only thing that matters in life are the friendships we form and being kind to one another. If someone has shown you kindness, pass it on, make someone else smile. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the small things, we forget our lives are nothing more than a particle on a strong gust of wind. We’re only on this little blue planet for a brief moment, and in the end, what’s important is whether or not we made the best of our lives.
I love you all for your well wishes.
/in News/by RJ SmithA Personal Message to my Fans!
R.J. Smith
Today, as I struggle to sit at my desk, I’m in quite a lot of pain as many of you have come to know.
This year, throughout the summer, 2014, starting in June, I had scheduled and was looking forward to a string of appearances and signings at books fairs, conventions, events and book stores in support of Cataclysm.
Unfortunately, I was forced to cancel ALL THE DATES of the book tour again this year due to the very serious spine injury I’ve written about that traumatized me in June 2013.
The injuries have ruined my personal and professional life.
Caused by the neglect of a paving contractor who left a huge hole in the sidewalk in my upscale neighborhood, they had dug up the sidewalk and failed to rope off the area.
Unfortunately, while riding my bike on the sidewalk that evening, and unaware of the hole waiting up ahead (because there were no darn signs or caution tape… nothing) my bike went into that hole and the last two years of my life have been hell on earth.
Thank god it wasn’t a child riding their bike down that sidewalk.
Just a few days ago I was at another of my endless doctor appointments to try and fix the damage to my spine. Off to the MRI machine again, making sure a surgery went as planned.
You see, by the time you read this, I’ll be laid up recovering from that back surgery which will hopefully correct some of the serious disc damage and spinal cord impingement’s in my back.

RJ Pre-Surgery
This is my second surgery, as last year I underwent neck surgery to alleviate an enormous amount of pain caused by disc impingement on my spinal cord.
But it’s not over yet, I still have to undergo neurosurgery for injuries to my spinal cord in my neck and discs which has caused motor issues with my hands… and as you all know, if I cannot type normally, the novels will come very slow and the tours stop, everything ends.
I am not sure what the future holds for me anymore, I just had to turn down a movie script offer from Totem Films…. my whole career has come to a sudden stop because of these injuries. I can’t sit for long periods, which means I cannot write books on a ten month deadline or movie scripts in 90 days. I have trouble standing for more than thirty minutes, can’t pick anything up (like a box of books).
Last Fall, I was scheduled to travel to Oklahoma to write the true crime book, The Good Friday Killers. But because of the accident, that entire project has been cancelled until further notice.
This summer, I was supposed to be in New York to write my next novel, Mountain Monsters, a Horror novel and movie script about monsters in the woods who take over a town and invade West Point. But, everything has been postponed or cancelled until further notice. Travelling, or lifting boxes of books and setting up tables is just not possible.
Please send your prayers this way, I need them.
/in News/by RJ SmithWHEN I was a young boy, I’d stretch my young bones out on the roof of mother’s house staring at the vastness of space. My eyes would squint at the stars peppering the galaxy.
SPACE intrigued me, and I wondered, could the movie E.T. perhaps hold a sliver of truth? Might there really be life on other planets?
MIGHT the whispers really be true? Were flying saucers real, and more importantly, was it possible aliens were visiting our little blue planet?
It had been forty years since I was on that roof in Ossining staring at the stars… but even now, I catch myself glancing to the heavens while pondering those childish questions of life outside our universe.
IN December 2013, while my friend and I were driving through our upscale neighborhood in the Town of Belleair, I got my answer. I had the sense of being watched.
WE were outside Hulk Hogan’s palatial home when I saw it. There, hovering silently just a few thousand feet above, I took in the magnificence of a gigantic triangle UFO (not the one shown above). Grabbing my android phone, I snapped off two pictures and glanced to my buddy who was busy staring at Terry “Hulk Hogan” Bollea who stood in the driveway.

Hulk Hogan
I, however, was more interested in the UFO. I’d seen The Hulk hundreds of times in Publix. But this thing hovering in the sky transfixed me. I’d never seen THAT before.
Then, just a quick as it arrived, it disappeared.
BATTLING pain, we went back to my house where I scribbled out the ending of my 2014 disaster/conspiracy book, Cataclysm.
THAT 400-page end of the world novel was eventually released JULY 1st, 2014. It has gotten GREAT REVIEWS and is selling on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-a-Million and most major retailers.
You can currently get the e-book for the paltry price of $4.99.
THIS morning, when I woke up, that experience of seeing the UFO was on my mind, and I decided to give you guys the inside scoop on how the storyline for Cataclysm came about. ENJOY this book… I worked REALLY hard working through a lot of pain and agony to get this novel out to you all.
It’s The End of Humanity
/in News/by RJ SmithIn summer, 2014, I published Cataclysm, a novel which tracks documented UFO allegations taking place on planet Earth. Although many still deny these intelligent beings are visiting the planet, it remains my belief the end is near.
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