I know it’s been some time since you’ve all heard a peep outta me. I haven’t passed onto the hereafter, and despite rumors on the Internet, it is true, I can definitely confirm… I am not dead. Although, as many of my followers know, sometimes I feel like death. But I wont get into that agony here, you all know about the 2013 bicycle accident and the 7 surgeries due to the injuries incurred from it. I know many of you have been waiting… and waiting for the publication of my third novel, Monsters In The Woods. Originally, the 500 page thriller was scheduled to be completed, edited and off to my literary agents by spring 2015. Right now, I should be on a US/UK tour promoting the new novel, but unfortunately… life sometimes throws those curve balls, and we have to deal with it.
The 214 completed pages of MONSTERS just stares at me from the display of my iMac, taunting… a haunted curse so wretched that my den feels filled with the sorrows of hell. (sigh)
I am now bankrupt, as I lost the first two international book tours and all the advertising money and income from book sales. The surgeries and surgeries, and non stop doctor appointments, pretty much rule my life. That strong jogger, gym rat, the muscled guy that I was? All but gone. Now I suffer nightmares, see a shrink and take pretty serious medication to keep the demons at bay.
Between rehabilitation of my serious lumbar spine surgery in December 2015, (YES – I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL AGAIN FOR THE SECOND CHRISTMAS IN A ROW) and the ongoing recovery, I am JUST starting rehabilitation. Sitting around my hive of computers and writing… that’s just not possible. The pain from the implants in my spine… neck, shoulder… well, it has kept me housebound and bedridden. Plus, the shoulder is acting up, and I am scheduled for surgery #8 on 1 April 2016 – yes, April Fools Day!!
So I ask for your prayers once more… that the surgery will be a success, and that the four months following with my arm languishing in a sling will pass quickly.
I am will soon be sharing with you the hardcover dust-jacket of MONSTERS so it entices you to hang on. One day this summer, it shall get done, but nobody is sure who will be selected to publish or release the saga. Perhaps, if you send all your prayers my way, and ask for spiritual protection of my lawyer Mr. Stephen Barnes, one day this will all be corrected and I will get my life and career back on the road. By the way, if you reside in the Tampa area, western Florida, I sincerely… and highly recommend this attorney, he and his people have kept and continue to keep me sane.
Stay up to date on what is happening by following my Celebrity Facebook and Twitter pages. Expect me to stand back up, brush off my injuries and forge back onto the global stage with a new masterpiece. I always say, it’s never over until that casket closes the deal.
RJ Smith
March 15, 2016
https://rjsmith.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/CATACLYSM-in-LA-TIMES.jpg540960RJ Smithhttps://rjsmith.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/rj-smith1.pngRJ Smith2016-03-14 10:10:012016-03-17 21:12:55FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE
In this end of the world video, Storyteller Entertainment presents an update about the Planet X, Nibiru, and whether it will collide with Earth in 2016.
By watching this update video, you can learn everything about Planet X Nibiru, Nibiru Planet evidence, Planet X proof, Planet Nibiru 2016 Collision course to earth, Nibiru NASA update, Planet X 2016 evidence, etc.
Watch Planet X Nibiru – Nibiru Planet Best Evidence 2016 (Documentary) in high definition (HD) here.
Watch Strange Sounds & Strange Events Around The World 2016 (Scary Documentary):
https://rjsmith.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/hqdefault.jpg360480RJ Smithhttps://rjsmith.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/rj-smith1.pngRJ Smith2016-02-15 11:09:452016-02-17 15:39:14PLANET X
https://rjsmith.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/iStock_000010699577Medium-657x318.jpg318657RJ Smithhttps://rjsmith.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/rj-smith1.pngRJ Smith2016-02-07 18:43:362016-02-09 16:23:35GET A BESTSELLER NOW
Russian researchers claim to have found two mysterious “alien skulls” and a briefcase embossed with Nazi emblems in the woods of a remote Russian mountain range in the Caucasus. The skulls, according to researchers, appear to have belonged to a bipedal species unknown to science.
The discovery, according to the Russian Komsomolskaya Pravda, raises the possibility that Hitler and the Nazis were actively involved in a search for advanced alien technology during the Second World War.
According to a Russian ethnographer and cryptozoology researcher, Vladimir Melikov, who had previously discovered remains of an unknown race about three meters tall in the Borjomi Gorge — a canyon of the Mtkvari River of central Georgia — a group of explorers led him two years ago to the discovery of two strange skulls with horns in a cave near Mount Bolshoi (“Big”) Thach (Tjach) in the Adygea region of Russia.
When Melikov first saw the skulls, he thought they were fossilized animal skulls, but when he began examining them he was shocked at what he found.
“Note the round hole at the bottom of the head,” said Melikov, displaying one of the skulls to a reporter. “It is the base of the spine. The position indicates that this creature moved on two legs. Another strange thing is the absence of cranial vault and jaws. A mouth, several holes distributed in a circle. The eye sockets are unusually large, and they two separate growths shaped horns. However, the facial bones are flat, as in hominids.”
He concluded that the skulls likely belonged to an alien species that visited Earth in the past.
Two years after the discovery, a hermit who lived in the woods brought to Melikov a briefcase embossed with Nazi emblems and a detailed map of the Adygea region made in 1941. The hermit said he found the briefcase in a secluded hideout in the woods at a spot close to where the skulls were found two years before.
“A local man brought me a large brown suitcase with leather handle and the emblem of the secret society Ahnenerbe in the top,” Melikov said.
Ahnenerbe, a secret Nazi organization, known formally as “The Ancestral Heritage Research and Teaching Society” (“Ahnenerbe Forschungs-und Lehrgemeinschaft”), was founded on July 1, 1935 by Heinrich Himmler and Dutch Atlantean mythology enthusiast Herman Wirth, to conduct research into the archaeological and cultural history of the Aryan race, with the primary aim of proving that the Nordics had once ruled the world.
image: http://cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/alienskull2-670×388.jpgMystery ‘alien skulls’ found in remote mountain region of Adygea in Russia
The group soon became deeply involved in UFO, occult, and paranormal research, due to Himmler’s obsessed interest in such matters.
Melikov said the briefcase and its contents — including the full-color map of the Adygea region — were found in very good condition and the inscription “Ahnenerbe” was legible and unmistakable (see video).“The lid of the case, clearly showing the official emblem of the Ahnenerbe, consisting of Runes [Nazi symbol].”
The hermit also found a ring lying near the briefcase, which Melikov thought belonged to the Nazi soldier who carried the briefcase.
After examining the contents of the briefcase, Melikov became convinced they were linked to the previous discovery of alien skulls in the region and that the SS Ahnenerbe had apparently launched an expedition in the Adygea region to find the skulls.
Melikov had no idea how the Nazis knew that alien skulls were to be found in the region. But he knew that the Nazis had sought ancient alien artifacts and manuscripts with the hope of obtaining access to advanced alien technology that could help the war effort.
Although Melikov believed the skulls belonged to ancient alien visitors to Earth, some researchers believe the skulls could be demonic.
Regardless, Melikov said the skulls were “unlike anything known to man.”
“Among the most mysterious features of the skulls is the absence of cranial vault and jaws,” he said. “The eye sockets were unusually large having facial features resembling humans.”
“Even when compared with the skull of a bear, it is hard to think that you do not have in your hands the remains of an alien creature,” he added.
However, skeptics have dismissed the claims, saying they are part of an elaborate hoax. Hoax debunkers argued that the facial features of the skulls could have been assembled from parts of a large animal’s pelvic bone.
Melikov sent photographs of the skulls to paleontologists in Moscow. But it appeared they thought it was a hoax because they showed little interest. They only acknowledged they had never seen anything like the skulls before.
But a few academics suggested they were sheep skull deformed by pressure over a long period of time.
The latest mysterious discoveries in Russia come after researchers uncovered evidence of the presence of Ahnenerbe operatives with elite German mountain troops known for their “Edelweisss” insignia, at the peak of Europe’s highest mountain, Elbrus, in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkar and Karachay–Cherkessia, in the northern Russian Caucasus mountains.
Researchers discovered on Mount Elbrus another Nazi briefcase embossed with the emblems of Ahnenerbe, a ring and a set of Nazi uniforms. Remains of German huntsmen (“jager”) were also found. It is believed that the soldiers were killed in an avalanche during the war.
During the war, the Nazis deployed troops equipped with sophisticated surveillance equipment to the Adygea region.
According to Ivan Bormotov, professor of economics at the Maikop State Technological University, SS Ahnenerbe secretly equipped expeditions to the mountains of Adygea in August 1944. But it is not certain whether the Nazis knew exactly what they were looking for or what they expected to gain from the expeditions.
But it believed that at a time that Hitler’s Germany was actively engaged in developing new types of weapons capable of changing the course of the war, Ahnenerbe was investigating UFOs, seeking contact with aliens to obtain advanced technology.
Paranormal researchers speculate that the Nazis may have searched for the alien skulls and associated artifacts in the hope of obtaining secret advanced alien technology.
But according to Bormotov, “We can build all kinds of versions and conjectures, but the remains found in the mountains of Adygea will force you to think.”
However, it is believed that Ahnenerbe was involved in many secret expeditions. The group reportedly investigated the mysteries of the dolmens of the Caucasus and sent expeditions to Tibet and the Antarctica in search of alien technology.
Some years before the war began in 1936, they were involved in a road and tunnel building project from the Black Sea coast to Lake Ritsa in the Caucasus region of north-west Georgia, as part of developmental projects following establishment of the Ritsa Nature Reserve tourist site in 1930.
The purpose was to access water from a source in a cave under the Lake Ritsa.
The Germans became involved in the project ostensibly to foster closer ties with Russia, but in reality, Ahnenerbe experts were interested in the water source because they believed it had a special composition that makes it ideal for making synthetic blood plasma.
The German specialist engineers who helped to construct the road and tunnel died under suspicious circumstances when the car in which they were travelling plunged down a ravine
According to Bormotov, “The ‘living water’ from Abkhazia was transported in silver containers, first to the coast, then by submarine to the bottom of Constance, and finally by plane to Germany.”
Further plans to make Ritsa accessible to German submarines were interrupted by the war.
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2709441/two-alien-skulls-found-in-remote-russian-mountain-region-of-adygea-in-caucasus-the-nazis-had-sought-the-skulls-video/#S3dGKk3X9q1dCoYw.99
https://rjsmith.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/75473457_forbidden-planet.jpg447660RJ Smithhttps://rjsmith.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/rj-smith1.pngRJ Smith2016-02-03 14:30:042018-04-02 08:42:17ALIEN SKULL FOUND IN RUSSIA?
Hey FANS, we have a BIG treat for you! Mark your calendars, The Master of Suspense, RJ Smith, will periodically return to the helm of Storyteller Entertainment’s FrightFest Radio Network. With Art Bell leaving the airwaves in dreaded fright for his family’s life, and leaving fans without their king, we have made the HUGE decision to bring back our own horror, paranormal and Alien conspiracy show. THIS is going to be something you won’t want to miss.
The Master Returns!
RJ has been away from his career as an author and screenwriter, but also as the host of FrightFest for close to three years. March 4th, we will upload a show with special guest, Mr. Robert Snow, an Evening Speaker, Television Host, Entertainment Agent and Ghost Hunter. The two guys will talk about spirits, demons, ghosts and the most compelling evidence to prove an afterlife. BE THERE, or…. well, be square!
https://rjsmith.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/radio-3.jpg3791158RJ Smithhttps://rjsmith.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/rj-smith1.pngRJ Smith2016-02-02 22:21:332016-02-06 15:53:05The Master of Suspense Returns to the Helm at FrightFest
https://rjsmith.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/IMG_2901.jpg9601280RJ Smithhttps://rjsmith.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/rj-smith1.pngRJ Smith2016-01-31 22:29:022016-02-03 08:12:06JOIN RJ’s GOODREADS FAN CLUB