It’s been months since I’ve posted anything here. The reasons are many. In February, I lost my beloved pointer terrier, Destiny, whom I saved from death
row at the shelter more than eight years ago.
Then, in March, mom passed away from lung cancer.
This post was supposed to outline my retirement from the entertainment industry, no more screenplays, and the end of hundreds of hours of social media updating and posting. I’ll get to that later.
I’d say 2020 has started out to be a crappy year all around. The devastation to our economy due to COVID-19, the digital filming of police shootings, the subsequent racial unrest and we have a perfect recipe for something our country hasn’t faced in half a century.
Who’s to blame? Is anyone?
Is there a civil war coming down the pike?
I haven’t a clue.
People just seem meaner than ever, willing to hurt one-another at the drop of a hat. Recently I was shocked by the news of an elderly man at a Christian prayer rally being attacked by African American men. I can only imagine the headlines had it been a group of white men beating an elderly black man.
Our moral compass is way off.
I’ll admit, it’s not just one-sided, white guys are also attacking black people. The so-called peaceful protests are anything but. At this point, I’d suggest our future as a people is quite uncertain.
Vladimir Putin must be happier than a pig in shit. The powers in Beijing are laughing at us.
I get it. I feel the pain, it’s palpable. People sense they’re being left behind. Perchance some of that is true, I don’t pretend to know the answers. But attacking innocent people is a crime. It’s called Assault and Battery. PERIOD! Mob rule has never been tolerated in The United States of America.
Other countries are also seeing riots, looting, attacks and I wonder, is America the leader of the free world? Really?
We have to heal this gaping wound.
Reading social media every day sure feels like we’re living in a dangerous time, one in which our citizens are physically facing off over politics, police abuse and yes, there are opportunists using the crisis for sweeping global radical change. Robbing stores, breaking into private communities, and destroying property won’t bring change.
So, there is that. But then there is my ongoing failing health, I won’t revamp the entire incident as most of you remember the severe bicycle accident I had in June 2013. After eleven surgeries, the traumatic brain injury, and the subsequent worsening of it all, I feel myself slowing down.
I appreciate all the love, attention, and interaction I’ve had over the last ten years, but circumstances out of my control have altered the entire course of life and limb.
So, I bid you all good luck and love. Without the latter, we’ll never have peace.